Feb 15, 2009

it's okay ..

Although people may think it's something sounds not so responsible; "It's okay" to me, is like a magic remedy that soothes my feelings of confused, nervous, hurt, sad, or anxiety...
It may sound cliche, but this will help you: you are okay.

I had a client who disclosed his vulnerability in tears. Sometimes you need no other words to support their feelings; you guide them to realize that they are in the safe place, saying "It's okay (to feel weak/to cry)."

I get nervous because I am not a www. person. Although I spend majority of time surfing websites finding exciting images or other sources, I feel pain in my brain just to think about creating or managing my own stuff on internet. Clinical notes at work is pretty much all I write - Scared to write about me instead of my patients?
oh, despite all these fears, I am write a paragraph for my first entry about my journey to the art therapy world
because, It's okay


  1. we are okay. and i know we'll always be :)

  2. aw "pain in my brain".. your blog already looks better than mine--teach me how to change the heading etc??
