Feb 16, 2009

Anyong means Hi

I share some little things about myself..
People usually compliment my creative personality, saying I am "weird." One man even insisted that he
was attracted to my weirdness. It confused me comprehending the meaning of the word. In the culture where I grew up, there is no distinction between the meanings of "weird" and "strange." In fact, we use the word "strange" more often, when we mean something "not normal." Obviously I was offended, when I was told to be weird.

I came from the opposite side of the earth to study art therapy in Chicago. I am expecting a masters degree in art therapy from the Art Institute of Chicago. I am looking forward to finishing a thesis, classes, and internship before I graduate in May. The school provided me many unique opportunities, supporting me as an artist and/or a therapist. Every teacher I meet in school shares different talents great ideas. I feel privileged to be there everyday through the brutal winter! I like to meet and
experience different people at school. I enjoy listening to their stories.

Talking about dream is another favorite thing to do. I feel curious about other people's desire and hope, related to their goals - I visit their future in my time machine. Also, I have a strong belief that considering different possibilities for the future will lead those things to really happen. Planning is my favorite part of dreaming. I feel energy from my ideas, which we call, "inspiration." It brings me closer to my dream. There are many things that I wish for my future. I want to meet more of different people, share my energy with them, and find more of interesting things in the world. There are so much to add to what I have experienced so far!

I love to love people. My love is based on the trust. In my experience, a lot of people have disagree with me on this. Some have warned me to "be careful" because I might get "hurt." Trust is a strong motive for living my life. I like to see what I see, and hear what I hear - only trust allow me. I don't like to assume or analyze beyond what I experience. I value every feeling that may help me grow through different experiences - hurtful feeling, sadness, anger, as well as happiness and excitement. I become confident and more confident as I accept to be true to myself and to the others.
It is only possible for me to be true to my clients when I feel the same about myself.

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